Get Some Swagger in Your Life


One of the biggest lessons I get from watching the NBA playoffs is “Swagger”. Check out this video about swagger for your life, and also who I predict to win the NBA championship… since my San Antonio Spurs were eliminated a long time ago.

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The Man With Two Watches Is Never Sure

Dear Colleague,

The old adage goes like this, “The man with one watch knows what time  it is. The man with two is never sure”, which begs the question…

Do you know what “time” it is?

The challenge with many sales professionals and entrepreneurs is they tend to be so creative and expressive, they loose laser focus of their real objectives. Why do some people tend to be more successful in their sales than others? Why do some sales people thrive when others meander through “challenging markets”? Why will some sales people and entrepreneurs earn major money and market share when others succumb to “corrections”, “adjusting markets” and “market gluts”?

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